Tuesday’s Children Receives Department of Homeland Security Grant
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that Tuesday’s Children will receive $386,670 from the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Grant Program. DHS has awarded 26 grants, totaling $10 million for two years of programming to “support community-led initiatives across the country to combat all forms of violent extremism.” DHS received nearly 200 applications from 40 states, territories and the District of Columbia, including 106 non-university nonprofit organizations, 60 state and local government organizations and 31 universities.
“We are grateful to be selected for this award and the funds will help us to exponentially increase our work with individuals and communities impacted by extreme violence and terrorism,” said Terry Sears, executive director of Tuesday’s Children. “Our work has expanded significantly since 9/11 to include international outreach, as well as serving military families.”
Tuesday’s Children will use the grant to develop and deliver culturally competent mental health and support services through two programs: an evidence-based Long-Term Healing Model (LTHM) and a peacebuilding and conflict resolution initiative through Project COMMON BOND (PCB), an international program for teenagers impacted by terrorism or war.
Tuesday’s Children was founded to promote long-term healing in all those directly impacted by the events of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Our mission today is to keep the promise to those children and families while serving and supporting communities affected by acts of terror worldwide.