Tuesday’s Children Benefit Honors Outstanding Military
Much needed programs to help those affected by terrorism
Tuesday’s Children began its mission in response to the tragedy of September 11 under the careful guidance of Terry Sears. The programs developed focused on children who lost a parent and providing programs to aid and assist in the aftermath of acts of terror such as Sandy Hook Elementary and the most recent Santa Fe, TX, incident.
The mentoring program matches kids across the country with carefully recruited and screened mentors. The mentors are trained to help children move forward with their lives in a positive and productive way. The programs helps those emotionally scarred build resilience and develop coping skills to make healthy decisions, so they can grow emotionally and socially.
Tuesday’s Children has provided long-term support to many families and its mentoring program now includes military families. At this year’s Tuesday’s Children Plandome Benefit, the organization will honor Matthew Bitter and Doug Kechijian for their outstanding post-9/11 military service to the nation.
Bitter is a Manhasset native and graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and served as a Navy SEAL officer for more than eight years. During his service, he held leadership positions in two different SEAL platoons, and was integral in coordinating international peace efforts and cultural negotiations. He completed three deployments in support of counter-terrorism efforts, and was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor for bravery and leadership under direct fire. Bitter completed his last tour in August 2017 and transitioned out of the military in November 2017. He is currently working in New York in private equity real estate.
Kechijian was a para-rescueman in the U.S. Air Force, where he trained and conducted operational missions with elite military units throughout the world. He is a nationally certified paramedic with advanced training in emergency, trauma, and wilderness medicine. In 2015, he was selected as the Noncommissioned Officer of the Year by the U.S. Air Force. He currently serves on Tuesday’s Children’s Military Advisory Board and junior board.