The Career Resource Center Internship and Job Workshop
On January 5th, Tuesday’s Children hosted the first of several seminars focused on Internship and Job Services. The seminar started with a workshop given by John Hassett, Executive Recruiter with LinkedIn, titled “How to Best Use Social Media in your Job Search”. Young adults had the opportunity to learn how social media is impacting the workforce and how best to present yourself using this quickly growing job resource tool. Karen McKenna, Founder of Career Vision and Author of Games2Careers, facilitated “Resumes that Get Results” which discussed the ins and outs of resume building from layout, to the details and what and what not to include. The third seminar lead by Barbara Boschert, “Effective Interviewing Skills” helped participants learn how to ensure their knowledge, skills and abilities are effectively communicated during an interview. After dinner and a networking session that included an introduction to the Logler Internship Program, young adults regrouped for a panel featuring top executive recruiters.
From the survey Tuesday’s Children teens completed, we learned the four top areas of career interest and used that to compile the panel. The panel included professionals from Conde Nast, Dewey & LeBoeuf, LinkedIn, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and New York University Stern School of Business. Fred Strobel, Executive Director of Human Resources, with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney lead an interactive discussion period.
One parent said, “This type of seminar and career related resources will definitely help these young people, especially in today’s difficult job market.” And one of the young adults who participated told us, “It was very helpful as a freshman to get advice about the job and internship search because now I feel like I’m a step ahead of my peers.”