Memorial Day is the Start of Summer in New York City
Celebrate while paying tribute to our veterans (and others who have lost their lives)
Memorial Day is the traditional start of summer in New York City. While winter and spring have seemingly blurred into one another this year, with the school year following an unconventional schedule, we don’t have many markers to tell us what season it is, let alone what day or month it is. Beautiful weather, buds on the trees, and blooming flowers give us a hint. But it’s Memorial Day weekend, etched onto the calendar on May 28-31, that lets us know it’s time to break out our flip flops and our shorts — summer’s here.
What to Do on this Holiday
Memorial Day weekend is also a time for reflection and honor when we think back over the sacrifices made by our veterans to preserve our country’s freedom and democracy. This year, the holiday takes on even greater significance as we pay tribute to those who have lost their lives through unimaginable tragedies, including the pandemic of the past year and the upcoming 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Run a Virtual Race with Tuesday’s Children
Tuesday’s Children, a nonprofit organization based in New York, serves families and communities impacted by terrorism, military conflict, and mass violence. Marking its 20th year of service this year, in lieu of an IRL race, the organization will host Rise Up and Remember: Memorial Day 5K, a national virtual event, from May 28-31. To register for the 5K, visit