Summoning Your Superhero with Alex and Ani!
Tuesday’s Children hosted a presentation by Alex and Ani’s Prezi Master, Kenneth Chabbert. The presentation, “Summoning Your Superhero” engaged participants to live in the present moment and remain positive with life’s twists and turns. Kenneth taught us how Alex and Ani, as a company, has set on a journey of positive energy through their jewelry, University, and motto.
We learned that for every 1 negative event, we need 3 positives to feel better. In addition, we learned the type of archetype one may be; Hero, Explorer, Revolutionary, Creator, Jester, Everyperson, Ruler, Sage, Magician, Caregiver, Lover, Innocent, we encompass all 12 archetypes and by identifying with three of these, we increase our self-awareness.
Kenneth spoke of The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz, New York Times bestseller. These agreements are the essence of Alex and Ani’s organizational learning through the ancient wisdom of Toltecs. These four agreements include (1) Be impeccable with your word; (2) Don’t take anything personally; (3) Don’t make assumptions: and, (4) Always do your best. During this part of the presentation, the group was able to use many real life situations to identify with and improve on.
Alex and Ani’s mantra empowers a positive message to be present and live your life like you mean it and ‘Inspire by Doing’. Tuesday’s Children was happy to be a part of Kenneth’s first NYC presentation and we look forward to more programs with Kenneth and Alex and Ani!
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