Lessons in Recovery and Resilience Speaker Series: The Secret Ingredients that Mentors Can Use to Cultivate Supportive Relationships with Mentees
Join Tuesday’s Children and Melissa Lunardini, MA, MBA, FT for our highly anticipated Speaker Series! This event presents an incredible opportunity for mentors and caretakers to learn skills to enhance their ability to develop meaningful relationships with the youth in their life. Don’t miss out on this fantastic chance to build better relationships!
About the host:
Melissa Lunardini, MA, MBA, FT, is the Head of Clinical for Help Texts. Melissa has more than 17 years of experience in program design and development in grief, loss and trauma for healthcare, academia and non-profit industries. She holds a fellowship in Thanatology from the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Melissa strives to remain current with trends and research in the industry as a published researcher and peer reviewer. Melissa is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in international psychology with a focus on trauma.